Divinity Kindred learned about the Full Employment Council and its services during a presentation given during her HiSET class. She knew she wanted to follow in the footsteps of her mom and her aunt, both nurses, so she signed up for debt-free skills training.
After completing her HiSET, Divinity worked with Full Employment Council counselor Judith Rollison, who helped her find a job as a home health aide. This paid work experience through the FEC allowed Divinity some firsthand experience in nursing. Then, her FEC counselor helped her enroll in the CNA program through FEC training partner MEDS KC, funded by the HITE program. Divinity even received additional financial support that paid for her uniforms and provided gas cards so she could get back and forth to class.
Once she graduated, her counselor helped her find a full-time job at a local nursing home, allowing Divinity to make more money, working in the field for which she trained. Now, she plans to buy a new car, and hopes to help her mom
with house expenses.
“I have a job doing what I love,” said Divinity – just like her mom and her aunt before her. “I’m grateful for the opportunity FEC/HITE provided me. It made me change myself and now I’m moving forward.” Are you ready for a change? Register for services through the Full Employment Council here.